My top 10 tips
Sometimes I find it hard to feel good about my creative work.
The thoughts that go through my head are ‘My illustrations just aren’t good enough, so and so is way better than me, I will never make a living from this, what’s the point of all this hard work if no one buys my books….’
The truth is these are just normal doubts that every person feels from time to time. I try to think of them as a wave coming in, that will go out again.
But there are many ways to make the wave go out faster and also keep the calm periods lasting longer. (On a side note I absolutely love Bondi Beach when its calm, like a lake - sorry surfers!)
Here are 10 things that I do to feel good as an illustrator:
Stop comparing yourself to others.
Why not I compare yourself to your ‘past self’ and I look at how far you have come, in a month or a year.
Stop focusing on your shortcomings.
Why not focus on your strengths?
Stop focusing on your creative bucket list.
Why not start a focusing on what you have already accomplished?
Stop making a to-do list with large tasks that take a long time to check-off.
Why not break the tasks into smaller chunks so that there is something to check-off in the short term and feel a sense of achievement?
Stop doing it alone.
Why not find a supportive community? This could be through facebook groups, conference, courses you take, instagram and local organisations.
Stop the negative self talk.
Why not talk to yourself as you would talk to a good friend?
Stop doing it if you hate it (you may have to do it in the short-term to pay the bills or make good on a contract).
Why not do something else? I’m thinking big picture here… for example, if you hate surface pattern design and would like to try illustrating picture books, why not take some courses in that area and manoeuvre yourself in that direction.
Stop beating yourself up for not achieving your goals.
Why not reassess your goals? For example, instead of the goal being ‘Get a book deal’ make the goal ‘submit to 10 agents’. (I’ll save goal setting for another post).
Stop hating tedious tasks.
Why not find ways to may it make it more enjoyable? If I am doing something like filling in flat colour for hours, I listen to a podcast or put something to watch on in the background. (Thank you Netflix for all the awesome comedy specials).
Stop - just STOP!
Why not take a break!!!! If you aren’t feeling good about a particular piece of work or your direction in general it’s time for a break. Depending on the problem you are dealing with and what your schedule allows, this could mean a walk around the block or a month off, but stopping to reset and reflect always helps to find a new or better way.
Stop waiting for love/ likes or praise.
Why not give it? If you appreciate the work of others you will help make others feel good and you may feel inspired as well.
What do you do to feel good as a creative? I would love to hear about it and it could help others as well.
I’m attending the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in March. I will be exhibiting at the ASA Australian Creators Stand - please come past and say hi or get in touch to put something in the calendar.
If you are an illustrator attending - PM me if you would like to join a WhatsApp group with others attending.
My new book ‘Mia’s Glamma’ is at the printers - yay! It will officially be out in May 2023. It’s written by Josie Montano and published by IP KIDS.
The first print run of my first book ‘Little Shark Lulu is Sleeping’ is almost all sold out. Thank you to an amazing team effort from the authors Josie Montano and Charlotte Birkmanis and David from IP KIDS. You are still able to purchase copies online and a new print run is underway.
You can find out more on about these topics on instagram.
Why did I write on this topic?
Each month the Illoguild asks a question related to illustration and members from the illoguild share their perspectives. I always learn so much from this group and love that we get to share our experiences with eachother and our readers.
You can look at the illoguild substack to see previous questions.
Mental health is an extremely important topic and I’m always looking for ways to improve mine.
What is illoguild?
We are a group of international illustrators who critique each others work, share our experiences and support each others’ growth. Although we are from all walks of life, we are mostly self taught and have transitioned into illustration from another career.
Check out the illoguild newsletter or instagram.
Whats my newsletter about?
Sharing useful knowledge and experience that I have picked up from my illustration journey as well as connecting with other creatives.
It comes out every second Monday
1st Monday of the month- I answer a question about illustration from the illoguild.
3rd Monday of the month - I cover a topic relating to the world of being an illustrator.
Thank you for the wise words.
Thanks so much! I draw everything with procreate. I like the hand drawn look so I mostly use the HB and 6B brush rather than custom brushes.